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A wonderful Christmas Eve Session.. |
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A Beautiful Family on New Years Eve.. |
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A New Year's Eve Wedding.. Congrats Bunde's |
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A sweet sweet new babe.. |
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A wonderful Christmas Eve Session.. |
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A Beautiful Family on New Years Eve.. |
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A New Year's Eve Wedding.. Congrats Bunde's |
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A sweet sweet new babe.. |
Being asked to photograph this event once again was a great pleasure and a compliment. I could not have done it without the help of my great friend Angel M. Jody N. was a on the scene breath of fresh air for me seeing as I was without a major cord I needed. Kudos to both of those gals.
When you arrive at a Zumbathon something just starts to grown inside you maybe it’s the music being heard or all the Pink around being displayed supporting Breast Cancer Awareness. Everyone is smiling and the anticipation is in the air for everyone to get started dancing. The tables were filled with lots of Silent Auction Items. There was a back room devoted to Vendors for all to shop and raise money. It seems these girls are a a tight niche family. When you give up 1-3 times a week for an hour or more and sweat and groove something is bound to connect all of them. Everyone is working towards the same goal no competition, no worries just there for fun. Be it that you are new to Zumba or a pro. Everyone is always smiling, yelping and laughing. If you have ever wanted to be a part of an awesome family and get fit along the way. You need to try Zumba you will not be disappointed. Thank you girls for making my Saturday night unforgettable.
We had the music being mixed from one Awesome DJ Alan Baddmixx Boyd samples can be heard here http://www.baddmixx.com.
Over 200 woman and 1 guy
The sweetest little kids..so helpful..so willing to help hold my reflector at all times…Patient and taking turns…Its too easy…Brrr they were freezing by the time we were finished…We all were…My hands were getting numb :0…Thank you to the B. Family..This family was the lucky client of October Winners…
Well the day finally came the temperatures dropped from our glorious Indian Summer. No more wearing sweaters in 80 degree weather it seemed strange really. We have all been very spoiled the last 2 weeks. Rain came yesterday and along with it brought the cool crisp of fall. All of the leaves are now dropping super fast. Now onto the H. Family. Can a family really be so easy going and laid back? Does it really exist? Yes the answer is Yes!! This sweet family let me walk all over the park with their 2 sweet little bunches of joy. Miss K had great direction and was up for anything. Her brother Little O. was a ham one minute and the other minute could have a meltdown. The joys of a being 1. Although he had us laughing pretty much the entire session. Happy to share this sneek peek of the H. Family with all of you..
Has it really been a whole year? Why does time have to move on so fast? The joys of watching your own child grow up in front of your eyes is immeasurable.. But to be able to capture another's child in different stages is priceless. Maybe it... is because I have a child that is not to far away from Miss M’s age. I shriek with joy when she comes to visit. I have oodles and gobs of pictures of this little one around my studio as she is just plain gorgeous…her eyes, lips. I am so happy to share Miss M’s 1 year session sneak peek with all of you.
Hooray!! Sara, Shoot me an email and we will get you on the schedule for October..
If any of you would like your chance at a free photo session including prints and a disc of images, "like" me on Facebook and watch for the post each month around the 15th!! Good Luck Everyone!!
The sun is setting earlier and earlier with each day. I love, love… absolutely insist on taking pictures in fall around the sweet time. The colors are amazing and the outcome of your pictures will prove it. I Met up with the L. Family at their home and we started walking around to amazing areas so full of texture and color. I hope you enjoy!!