October 13, 2011

Windy Fall Day..

Well the day finally came the temperatures dropped from our glorious Indian Summer. No more wearing sweaters in 80 degree weather it seemed strange really. We have all been very spoiled the last 2 weeks. Rain came yesterday and along with it brought the cool crisp of fall. All of the leaves are now dropping super fast.  Now onto the H. Family.  Can a family really be so easy going and laid back? Does it really exist? Yes the answer is Yes!! This sweet family let me walk all over the park with their 2 sweet little bunches of joy. Miss K had great direction and was up for anything. Her brother Little O. was a ham one minute and the other minute could have a meltdown. The joys of a being 1. Although he had us laughing pretty much the entire session. Happy to share this sneek peek of the H. Family with all of you..

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