January 17, 2011

It’s Lasagna Night

I love when my nephew comes to visit. We ran to town to pick up some groceries and I told him he could pick whatever he would like for supper and he choose lasagna.. Oh yum I said.  You think most kids would pick hotdogs or pizza well not this child.. We shopped for all the ingredients and returned home to start cooking.  He loves to be in the kitchen…a very hands on kind of kid.  We have so much fun together and he makes me laugh.  My husband took the pictures for today's blog. No special wizardry he told me just SOOC.  The meal was awesome we were stuffed and snuggled on the couch to catch the rest of the football games. I love Sundays.  So grab your niece or nephew and ask them what they want to do and roll with it.. It’s the memories that make the moments special.. Happy Monday all!!.

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